

198 2023-12-27 20:12 admin



1. 施工前的安全检查:包括现场环境的安全检查,设备和工具的安全检查,工人的安全培训等。

2. 施工期间的安全措施:包括桩基础施工过程中采取的安全措施,如围挡、警示标志、防护网等。

3. 安全事故处理记录:包括发生安全事故的时间、地点、原因和处理措施等。



MySQL 8.0 重新定义了错误日志输出和过滤,改善了原来臃肿并且可读性很差的错误日志。比如增加了 JSON 输出,在原来的日志后面以序号以及 JSON 后缀的方式展示。比如我机器上的 MySQL 以 JSON 保存的错误日志 mysqld.log.00.json:[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# jq . mysqld.log.00.json{ "log_type": 1, "prio": 1, "err_code": 12592, "subsystem": "InnoDB", "msg": "Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.", "time": "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111808Z", "thread": 8, "err_symbol": "ER_IB_MSG_767", "SQL_state": "HY000", "label": "Error"}{ "log_type": 1, "prio": 1, "err_code": 12593, "subsystem": "InnoDB", "msg": "The error means the system cannot find the path specified.", "time": "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111915Z", "thread": 8, "err_symbol": "ER_IB_MSG_768", "SQL_state": "HY000", "label": "Error"}{ "log_type": 1, "prio": 1, "err_code": 12216, "subsystem": "InnoDB", "msg": "Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71", "time": "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111933Z", "thread": 8, "err_symbol": "ER_IB_MSG_391", "SQL_state": "HY000", "label": "Error"}以 JSON 输出错误日志后可读性和可操作性增强了许多。这里可以用 Linux 命令 jq 或者把这个字串 COPY 到其他解析 JSON 的工具方便处理。只想非常快速的拿出错误信息,忽略其他信息。[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# jq '.msg' mysqld.log.00.json"Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.""The error means the system cannot find the path specified.""Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71""Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.""Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue."使用 JSON 输出的前提是安装 JSON 输出部件。

INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_log_sink_json';

完了在设置变量 SET GLOBAL log_error_services = 'log_filter_internal; log_sink_json';

格式为:过滤规则;日志输出;[过滤规则]日志输出;查看安装好的部件mysql> select * from mysql.component;+--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------+| component_id | component_group_id | component_urn |+--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------+| 2 | 1 | file://component_log_sink_json |+--------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

现在设置 JSON 输出,输出到系统日志的同时输出到 JSON 格式日志。mysql> SET persist log_error_services = 'log_filter_internal; log_sink_internal; log_sink_json';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

来测试一把。我之前已经把表 a 物理文件删掉了。mysql> select * from a;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`a`.

现在错误日志里有 5 条记录。

[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# tailf mysqld.log

2019-09-03T08:16:12.111808Z 8 [ERROR] [MY-012592] [InnoDB] Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.

2019-09-03T08:16:12.111915Z 8 [ERROR] [MY-012593] [InnoDB] The error means the system cannot find the path specified.

2019-09-03T08:16:12.111933Z 8 [ERROR] [MY-012216] [InnoDB] Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71

2019-09-03T08:16:12.112227Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.

2019-09-03T08:16:14.902617Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.

JSON 日志里也有 5 条记录。

[root@centos-ytt80 mysql80]# tailf mysqld.log.00.json

{ "log_type" : 1, "prio" : 1, "err_code" : 12592, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111808Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_767", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Error" }

{ "log_type" : 1, "prio" : 1, "err_code" : 12593, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "The error means the system cannot find the path specified.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111915Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_768", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Error" }

{ "log_type" : 1, "prio" : 1, "err_code" : 12216, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot open datafile for read-only: './ytt2/a.ibd' OS error: 71", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.111933Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_391", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Error" }

{ "log_type" : 1, "prio" : 2, "err_code" : 12049, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:12.112227Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_224", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Warning" }

{ "log_type" : 1, "prio" : 2, "err_code" : 12049, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:16:14.902617Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_224", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "label" : "Warning" }


INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_log_filter_dragnet';

mysql> SET persist log_error_services = 'log_filter_internal; log_sink_internal; log_filter_dragnet;log_sink_json';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

只保留 error,其余的一律过滤掉。SET GLOBAL dragnet.log_error_filter_rules = 'IF prio>=WARNING THEN drop.';

检索一张误删的表mysql> select * from a;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`a`.

查看错误日志和 JSON 错误日志发现错误日志里有一条 Warning,JSON 错误日志里的被过滤掉了。2019-09-03T08:22:32.978728Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.

再举个例子,每 60 秒只允许记录一个 Warning 事件mysql> SET GLOBAL dragnet.log_error_filter_rules = 'IF prio==WARNING THEN throttle 1/60.';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

多次执行mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.

现在错误日志里有三条 warning 信息

2019-09-03T08:49:06.820635Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.

2019-09-03T08:49:31.455907Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.

2019-09-03T08:50:00.430867Z 8 [Warning] [MY-012049] [InnoDB] Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.

mysqld.log.00.json 只有一条{ "log_type" : 1, "prio" : 2, "err_code" : 12049, "subsystem" : "InnoDB", "msg" : "Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html for how to resolve the issue.", "time" : "2019-09-03T08:49:06.820635Z", "thread" : 8, "err_symbol" : "ER_IB_MSG_224", "SQL_state" : "HY000", "and_n_more" : 3, "label" : "Warning" }

总结,我这里简单介绍了下 MySQL 8.0 的错误日志过滤以及 JSON 输出。MySQL 8.0 的component_log_filter_dragnet 部件过滤规则非常灵活,可以参考手册,根据它提供的语法写出自己的过滤掉的日志输出。













桥梁安全员工作日志要填写的是施工日期,天气情况,施工处理方式 ,施工的进度及施工要求 ,安全情况等 。


Vue 是一款由尤雨溪及其团队开发的渐进式 Javascript 前端框架。该框架具备数据双向绑定、组件化、响应式和轻量等特点,搭配其脚手架 Vue CLI 使得开发者更加容易上手,大大减少了学习成本。同时其配备一个专用的状态管理模式 Vuex ,在这里可以集中管理所有组件的状态。它需要设置日志进行管理,这样它的管理可以更加便捷,实现全方位无死角地覆盖。



1. 遵守公司和单位的制度,服从工作安排,积极主动协助保安主管开展各项工作;  

2. 管理好单位的消防器材,并定期对这些器材进行维护保养;  

3. 参与制定相关的防火规章制度;  

4. 做好防火安全教育;  

5. 当消防主机有火警显示,接到火情侦察指令,必须及时赶到现场确认;  

6. 负责制定其他安全防火措施;  

7. 负责安全生产知识宣传,定期召开安全例会,并做好会议纪要;  

8. 深入工作现场,检查安全隐患,发现问题及时处理,做好记录;  

9. 督促工作人员严格遵守各种安全生产规章制度和操作规程;  

10. 对电力、中央空调、智能化在建项目的施工质量、安全进行监管;  

11. 负责在建项目的施工质量、安全把控,使项目管理更加规范化、标准化与流程化;  

12. 负责电力、中央空调、智能化在建项目的施工质量、安全监管;  

13. 项目部的绩效考核工作及针对施工问题及时开展培训;  

14. 负责加油站的安全管理,确保加油站的安全运营;  

15. 负责监控和调查安全隐患,对重大安全事故进行调查和处理。


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